The task was to present the catalogue of paints sold by the Company. The design should be colorful, signifying the
character of the products. The user’s interface on the cover page should also be original in order to get the user
interested, attract the user to the site.
The design is based on large planes and bright colors. On the cover page we placed the image of a house, done in Flash. There
is an option to examine the house inside and outside. When moving the mouse around the house image, hints are displayed with
the type of paint that can be used for the chosen element. The mouse click opens the page of the catalogue listing paints
for the chosen type of surface. Each page also contains menu bookmarks to move to the catalogue based on the type of the
surface painted.
Each type of paint is sold in different packages differing in volume. It is more profitable to purchase big packages.
Therefore, for counting the paint purchase expenses the cover page contains special calculator that can, according to the
paint, surface type and surface square, select the best option of purchasing paints and determine the cost of purchase.
Back-Office for the site was developed using PHP+MySQL.
See Case Studies for developing the site design.