Often, during the work on simple project, more companies attract independent specialists to work part time -
the so-called freelancing. Independent specialists also search for a job with the participation in the project
of various companies. In order to solve these tasks this site was created.
The site forms the database on experts and customers. The customers publish the information on their projects,
and the experts declare their desire to participate in the given project, stating the desired amount of renumeration
for their services. After such competition the customers can select experts to undertake their projects according
to the fee and professional level.
Having entered the starting page, the user has three clear ways to continue working on the site: to enter the
system is he or she has already been registered in it, to create the project profile if the user is the customer,
or to create the resume if the user is the expert. There is also the option of getting to know the system abilities,
to learn how it operates.