The site of Foreign Investment Agency of Bashkortostan Republic. The information is available only in English and is
oriented primarily on foreign investors as well as those who want to learn about the Republic’s economy. The site should
possess the web mamagement tool allowing to edit its content.
The design of the site is rather simple but very elegant at the same time. The root menu is built on bookmarks and the
pages resemble file cards. Each card has an "attached" "bookmark" which allows to enter deeper and deeper into the site.
The "bookmark" displays the subsections of the given level as well as the higher level as regards to the current level.
Such way of navigation provides for the opportunity to contain random amount of enclosed subsections. In order to return
to the higher level you simply click the hierarchy line on top of each page, reflecting the path to the current page.
The site features five main sections, with unlimited number of subsections and nesting depth. Many articles related to
finances and economy are distributed between three main site sections and contain numerous tables, charts and pictures.
All the articles have uniform presentation scheme:
- key features in the beginning: the topic and main ideas;
- then the index of the article’s sections compiled of hyperlinks to the corresponding sections;
- and, below the content of the article itself
Each article has a print version. The site features convenient map and search system. Registered users acquire access to
the news posting and "Downloads" section containing documents in PDF format as well as other necessary files.
Web interface was custom-made for the site, allowing the administrator to edit, add and delete any articles, change the
site’s structure, place files in «Downloads» section and other options.